Trump out to expand the US through colonisation
Trump's plans to expand the US through blatant colonisation on the pretext of achieving peace.
The entire global South, Africa, Latin America, middle east, Greenland, Canada and even the EU and Japan can expect a rough ride with the new Trump administration. This is guaranteed with Marco Rubio as the new general secretary of the state . He is an absolute war-monger.
He wants to destroy China, invade Mexico, Venezuela, Nicaragua and other socialist run countries in South America and replace them with dictatorial leaders that are corrupt and favourably disposed to the US. He wants to take over Canada, Greenland and the Panama canal to expand the US empire in the name of world peace. What a flippant excuse.
Trump imposes sanctions on Cuba again
Trump just reimposed the 60 year sanctions on a small country like Cuba a week after Biden removed it because they are run by socialists. They are no threat to the US.
Trump incorrectly stated that Spain is part of BRICS. Where are his advisors to educate him on world affairs.
Trump pulls out of climate change agenda
Suddenly the US is going to use fossil fuels with his, "drill baby drill" mantra abandoning the goal of saving the climate. That won't help Elon musk and the EV industry.
What does the world think of the US using fossil fuels for energy when poor countries in Africa and especially South Africa were forced to shut down coal powered power stations and turn to expensive green energy. This is double-standards of the highest order. Elon Musk can't be too happy if no one buys EVs
Trump silent on lab meat, gives Gates an audience
What does Trump think about Bill Gates Idea of human beings eating lab meat and culling all the cows to save the globe from global warming? Does it mean Trump will stop eating McDonald's burgers. Rather surprisingly he gave Gates a three hour audience in the absence of Robert Kennedy. Robert Kennedy should have been present to put the evil Gates in his place.
Trump threatened by BRICS
Trump is vehemently opposed to the global South from forming a trading bloc like BRICS for their mutual benefit but sees nothing wrong in the war-mongering NATO alliance.
He arrogantly states the world needs the US and that the US can do without the world.
If the US can do without the world, why is he so desperate for the world to trade in dollars, which is a paper currency not backed by gold.
China, Japan and India sold off US stock shares and dollars because they didn't feel confident in the US economy or its currency.
NATO proved totally ineffective in trying to destroy Russia. The war might have cost the US about $200 billion dollars. The rest of the EU countries may not have contributed the same amount but they paid four times more for the energy that they purchased from the US, so the recouped its losses in the war through the sale of gas and petroleum to the EU.
The EU has become totally bankrupt, Germany wants to pull out of the EU. Once the war is over, many EU countries will start purchasing cheap Russian gas again to revive their ailing econmies. Many EU countries must be regretting the Idea of getting involved in the war in Ukraine.
The US economy is not the largest in the world if one looks at consumer goods production. The main driver of the US economy is making war machinery.
100% tariffs on goods from China is only going to hurt the American consumer by pushing up inflation because almost 90% of the consumer items like TVs, major appliances, cell phones and computers sold in the US are manufactured in China. The bottom line is: the US cannot compete with the east when it comes to producing consumer items like cars and electronic gadgets because they have advanced technology, have the infrastructure and the skills and extremely low labour costs, which the US doesn't have.
Colonising the Panama canal
His plans to annex the Panama canal is blatant colonialism. He keeps mentioning that he sees thousands of Chinese ships. If he does, it would only be cargo ships supplying consumer goods to the US and South America. Chinese goods are sought after because of the price and quality. The US cannot match them in know-how, infrastructure and the workforce like China can.
China has not waged war with any country
China has never issued any threats on any country in the world except against India over Tibet. China sees Taiwan as a great threat to their security with the US having military bases in Taiwan.
China has not been involved in a major war with any country for over five hundred years. In the last thirty years, China has elevated itself from being a struggling poor third world country into a powerful middle income country.
It removed 700 million out of the grips of poverty.
China and Russia are not the enemies
The US with the help of of Hollywood has always portrayed Russia and China as the enemies and war mongers, when neither of these countries have been any wars with any countries in the last few hundred years. The US in the last 75 years has been involved in several wars with a number of countries in the East and in the middle east when none of them were a threat to the US.
China ahead of the US in technology on consumer items
While the US was busy focussing on manufacturing weapons the Chinese were busy developing their economy, helping its citizens to get out of poverty.
Even though the country is run by a communist party, China's economy is a mixed free enterprise economy. Small and middle sized businesses are encouraged to thrive. This has led to a strong middle class. Big corporates exist in china. The CEOs of these companies belong to the CCP.
The difference between the US and China is in China, big corporates are controlled by the government, in the US the big corporates control the government.
In the US most small and middle sized businesses have been shut down by the big corporates, so there's hardly a middle class in America.
Crime is huge in American cities. Crime in some cities in the US is amongst the highest in the world.
The US spends the most per capita on healthcare but the outcomes are worse than one would get from poorer countries.
In China, the government cares for the welfare of its citizens providing employment, housing, free health, excellent infrastructure and safety.
The prison population in the US is bigger than in China
The US with a population of 360 million people has more prisoners than the whole of China.
The US elections are a costly circus funded by the big corporates. Most of their politicians are guilty of insider trading, which is against the law but nothing is done about it.
The US has a budget deficit of $36 trillion dollars, which is unrepayable
The US effectively borrows money from China when China buys US treasury bonds. If China sells all its US bonds , the US will be in big trouble financially. It explains why he didn't mention tariffs on Chinese goods in his inauguration night. He mentioned imposing tariffs on Canada and Mexico because these were small countries. He has no respect for small countries.
It's okay for the US to have military bases all over the world
Surely he would get upset if Russia or china set up military bases in Cuba, yet he is happy to US military bases in Taiwan.
How sure he is that Canada and Greenland want to be incorporated into the US. He has a wild imagination.
The US system of government or electing governments is far from democratic. The elected leaders seem to be focusing all their attention on serving their funders and enriching themselves.
During COVID, the US constitution was grossly violated. People lost the right to free speech and right to free choice on matters concerning their health.
The US on the whole needs to do some serious soul searching.
The world cannot sit back and allow Trump to colonise sovereign territories and violate international law. Trump is a threat to world peace if he is not reigned in through sensible advice.